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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wow, did you see her?

Oh Montana, what memories I have of you!  My Grandpa lived up in Libby, Montana towards the end of his life, which is up in the northwest corner of Montana.  Population of about 2,800, not necessarily your thriving metropolis, but it was gorgeous and had that small-town feel I like.  My family and I only made a few trips up there, but each one was worth remembering.  The most memorable was the first time we visited.

My dear old Grampy was Mr. Mountain Man and took us for all sorts of adventures.  We chopped wood for his house, played at the river, went to the swinging bridge (so cool), went to church, and went Libby sightseeing.  It was awesome!  I was really close to my grandfather and loved every minute with him.  There was, however, one very.....interesting experience there.

One night we had dinner with some friends of my grandpa.  It was a campfire dinner on the river bank roasting hot dogs and marshmallows (s'mores, mmmmm.....).  While we were sitting around the campfire we got to talking about where I was going for school.  Told them I was going to BYU-Idaho in the fall and was pretty excited about it.  My grandpa then started to ask one of the daughters in the family about her experience at BYU-Idaho, she had just recently graduated from the college.  The first thing she did was look at me.  Glanced up, then down, then turned for her response.  Boy, did it make me wonder.
It began with my shoes, "couldn't wear those up there."  Then, the jeans, "the jeans, yeah those won't fly."  My shirt, "shirt is probably too bright."  Sweater, "the sweater is just not something you'd wear up there."  And if that wasn't all enough, my hair came next, "hair, probably can't have it cut like that when you go there."  Of course, I had no response for this.  Just nodded my head with a shocked look on my face.  What more could I do?  I had never been torn apart like that before in my life.  Not that I was wearing anything immodest at all.  Let's face it, it was cold and by a river.  I was in pants, warm sweater, tennis shoes, and my hair pulled up in a pony tail.  Appropriate?  Yes.  Clean?  That one may be a no, but who is when by a fire?  She judged me based off my appearance and before getting to know me.  How often do we judge others when we see them?  Look on their outer appearance and not what is inside?
1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outward cappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart.

The Lord is the one that does the judging.  It is not for us to judge others.  We too need to put on our "Jesus goggles", as a member in Vacaville called it.  See others for what they really are, sons and daughters of God.  We are all worth something.  You don't know what is in someone's heart based on their appearance.  Judge less, look deeper, and love more.


Austin Gene Goff said...

Montana is pretty grand. Byui pretty grand. And another good post. thanks for sharing.

Brian said...

Jesus goggles. I like it. Last night we were teaching about judging, and we came to the conclusion that it is something everyone needs to work on. Everyone struggles with judging, so wear the goggles, and be filled with Love!

Sister B. D. Gorder said...

Yes.. haha Jesus goggles.. ah good times. I have actually been trying that these past couple weeks. Its so true, we have to get to know people before making any judgements. We have to remember that EVERYONE is important to our Father in Heaven. No matter how they look on the outside, there hearts are good! Loved this...

Rin73 said...

Good insight! This post reminds me of President Monson's talk given to the women of the Church, called "Charity Never Faileth." He talks about the phrase "judge not, that ye be not judged."

Sister Brook Kenemore said...

one quote that i love from mother Teresa "if you judge someone, you leave no room to love them!"

Marj Bragg said...

Thanks for the comments re your visit to your Grampa in MT. The young lady by the river had/has much to learn re judging people. I am certain as your Grampa looks down from the heavens, with his silly smile and twinkling brown eyes, he is saying "hey all of you listen and learn". His pride in you is huge!


GREAT lesson Sister!

I served in the CSRM in 2005! Napa, Vacaville, and Santa Rosa. It is important to remember that The Lord called you to serve and teach ALL his children. Not just the white collared ones. In all truth, the bum drinking on the street is probably more ready to hear your message and change his life than the ones in the mansions on the hill.

I had a friend once tell me why judging people is NEVER a good idea. You are either thinking you are better than them or you are thinking you are not as good as they are. Both are hurtful to you.

You are either judging someone's front yard where everything is manicured and beautiful or you are judging their back yard, the things no one see's and no one hardly every keeps clean. It isn't our job to judge. We leave that up to The Lord. How nice right?! We don't ever have to worry about that. Just offer all of God's children the good news and love them as He would. It makes your job easier as a missionary when you see everyone through those eyes.

Keep up the good work Sister!! I'm rooting for you!!

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