Sometimes I wish I could just shut of my brain. Turn it to "sleep mode" like so many of our electronic devices and not have to worry about a thing for a time. But, much to my dismay, I haven't discovered how to do that yet. A couple nights ago I was stuck lying awake with my brain spinning in about a hundred different directions. The source of the chaos, a lovely little letter in the mail which contained this....
For those that haven't served an LDS mission, you may be confused as to why a pink picture of me would cause such a stir. Well, this little picture came with a letter asking me to confirm the information for the date of my departure from the mission field. <0.o Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Most of my mission has consisted of me being in denial that it will ever end. I had self appointed myself a "mormon nun"; to never leave the mission field. However, the Lord has slowly been preparing me and telling me that He has bigger plans for me after the mission.
As I lay there, pondering upon the things to come, I kept asking myself "what will I do when I get home?" Job, school, family, friends, and oh so much more all await; all things I want to take care of the way the Lord would have me do. One of my biggest worries is that I will make a wrong decision somewhere along the way and not be able to do what the Lord wants of me. It all may seem silly and worrisome, but these are legitimate concerns of mine.
The thing that put my ease was a scripture in 1Nephi. Nephi is the man! He is one of my all time heroes for the amazing example he set for obedience and faith in the Lord. In 1Nephi 3, Nephi is given the task of getting the plates from the wicked Laban. Not an easy task to say the least. His brothers complained and worried about what would happen when they went to get the plates. Nephi, on the other hand, said this:
"...I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
Oh sister...being home is amazing:)It's a new area with new challenges. It's like whitewashing as a solo sister and u have to find and choose ur companion lol...Just remember to keep ur mission alive when u get home by continuing to trust in the Lord, be optimistic, fun, and lovable:) Luvz to ya sister grateful i got to serve with u for a day getting lost up north haha:)
I remember that day all too well. I know its not something positive to say, given my current location... But keep your head held high! Some of the greatest blessings and miracles are in store for you.
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