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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tarry ye here

Who doesn't love a morning "A-ha" moment?  Today, I had such a moment.  I read the well known chapter Mark 14 where Christ suffers in Gethsemane.  Always a very heart wrenching chapter.  This time while reading it, there was a particular verse that kept calling my attention. 
 34 And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch.
Before Christ performs one of the greatest acts that the world has ever known, He invites his disciples to "tarry ye here, and watch."  He comes back 3 times to find them sleeping.  Once he tells them "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.  The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak."  As I pondered upon these 2 verses, all I could ask myself was where am I at?  Am I asleep or am I watching?  After asking myself these questions, I came up with a few simpler questions to ask to know where I stand.  Whether I am tarrying and watching or asleep. 
1- Do I rely on the Savior and His Atonement?  When you repent daily and make use of His infinite Atonement, you are on "watch."  We are weak.  But, the more we use the Atonement in our lives and strengthen ourselves spiritually, the easier it will be to not "enter into temptation."
2- Do I strive to emulate Him in every aspect of my life?  The more we strive to be like Jesus Christ, the better we will understand His love and why He did what He did.  We will grow closer to Him.  We will receive his image in our countenance.
3- Do I think about the Savior throughout the day?  Of course, it is easy to think about the Savior on Sunday, during a lesson, or when I am praying.  But do I think about Him while I am eating lunch, talking to my companion, walking, driving, or any other daily task?  When you pull your thoughts towards the Savior, you are happier.  How can thinking about the Savior not make one happy?  But it also will help us to remember questions 1 and 2.
My goal, is to be awake.  Be with our Savior, through thick and thin.  To tarry with Him through all my life and to always be watching.  I love my Savior more than words can express.  He is everything to me.  I know He lives and His Atonement is real.  I'm trying to be like Jesus, are you?


Rachel Griggs said...

Even if we are sick with the flu or otherwise down and out we can still focus on the Savior. Thank you for the post.

Kiersten said...

Everytime I read that I think of the contrast of what happened in the Americas. I know He wasn't going through the same thing but three times he goes off to pray and everytime he comes back they are continuing in prayer. I want to be like them in their diligence and faith :)
3 Nephi 19

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